Piano tuning Jerusalem
Exact and professional piano tuning
The piano doesn't sound the same anymore?
It's time to tune it!
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Piano tuning Jerusalem is an art in which the piano tuner stretches the piano strings to the correct tension, in order for the piano sounds to be the most accurate, and ensure optimal playing experience on the piano.
What is a sound?
The sound is measured according to the number of oscillations of the string per second, and is counted in units of Hertz (Hz). The central (A) sound of the piano should be at a voltage of 440 Hz, which is, 440 oscillations per second of the string.
What is piano tuning?
Piano tuning is an art in which the piano tuner stretches each of the dozens of strings found in the piano – to their correct tension. As a result, the sound of the piano is the most accurate one.
After tuning the piano, you will notice that the sound of the piano is much better, and you can enjoy the most accurate sound that your piano can produce, just as its manufacturer designed and built it.
When is it advisable to tune a piano?
In order to produce the sounds of the piano, each of the piano strings is subjected to a huge tension of about 100 kg. In order to keep the strings at the right frequency and tension, it is recommended to tune the piano at least once a year. Musicians and those with a sensitive ear, tune their piano even more often, as needed.
Why is it advisable to tune the piano?
It is recommended to tune the piano even if you are not playing it. Piano tuning regularly once a year maintains the constant tension on the strings, which releases naturally. The main reasons for the decrease in the tension of the strings are as a result of changes in the weather, exposure to a source of heat or extreme cold or the presence of the piano in an external wall. Also, transporting or moving the piano contributes to the decrease in tension on the strings.
These factors and many more contribute to the decrease in the tension prevailing on the strings in the piano, and require piano tuning at least once a year.
So … when was the last time you cared about your piano? For professional and precise piano tuing, contact us today!